Can Vitamin C Lower Heart Attack and Stroke Risk?

An orange a day keeps the cardiologist away?

A recent study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shows some interesting findings regarding vitamin C.  The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and shows that intake of large amounts of Vitamin C (500 mg) can lower blood pressure by as much as 5 mm.

The mechanism by which vitamin C may work to lower blood pressure is unknown, but may be similar to certain medications prescribed to lower blood pressure in part by acting as a diuretic.

Although there was no direct evidence that vitamin C lowers blood pressure, the  study definitely demonstrates a positive link between the two.

It is reasonable to assume that if we could lower blood pressure across the board, we would also lower the incidence of stroke, potentially saving much suffering and healthcare expense.

Eating well, exercising and maintaining appropriate weight, proper hydration and lowering stress are common sense ways to help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke as well.

Foods generally high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, brussels sprout, melons, broccoli, and cauliflower. A high quality vitamin C supplement that is a food based, natural form of the nutrient will benefit you the most.


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